Saturday, 30 April 2022


It’s All About Attitude


If you but will, to fight every evil temptation with fortitude

And tread that rocky, seemingly unyielding path, with a sense of certitude

Not flinching once from its pricks and pokes, ‘coz you know you walk not in solitude

For, the Lord is ever your shepherd, if you will persist with unwavering rectitude

If you would stand firm and remain unperturbed by the vicissitudes

Of fortune, and every rough weather, no matter their magnitude

If only you choose to so distinguish yourself from the multitude

You give yourself ample joy of dwelling in an ambience of great latitude

For you are no longer bound by the vices of servitude

Servitude brought on by your negative thoughts and attitude

If you can but feel in life’s every small gift, the sense of plenitude

And revel in this abundance by showering upon fellow beings, genuine solicitude

If you but will, to shake yourself up from every feeling of apathy and lassitude

And bring to harness the innate goodness and ability for which you have an aptitude

You would be worthy of emulation, displaying profoundly, the verisimilitude

In which, our Author chose to create each one of us, close to him in similitude 

Life is neither tough nor painful, if only you will, to rise above the petty to scale high altitude

This is the cornerstone on which you sculpt your life to show the Almighty, eternal gratitude.




An Eye-Opener

Shed not blood in the name of caste and creed

For the way of all flesh is one in the ultimate

Buried or burned, all find their way to Mother Earth

Why then, this vain tussle for ‘I’, ‘Me’ and ‘Mine’?


Diseases strike just any being, not by asking whether rich or poor

Floods and famines have no favourites, to provide against them, succour

Alike for all of mankind are life’s pains and pleasures

No matter his caste, race, colour or measure of treasures


No man is by his birth high or low 

His deeds in life do his status show

Waste not this precious gift of life in thoughts and actions, vain

Instead, reach out with love and laughter to those in misery & pain.


Death is an eye-opener to the undoubted Truth we are forced to confront 

That near & dear ones are deemed but ‘bodies’ once their breath is snuffed out

Unfortunate that all of life’s struggle is but for this mass of blood, bones and flesh

In satisfying its every want and whim, the more beautiful & eternal soul, we tarnish!


The Awakening

To demean and defame the successful

Is the unspoken rule of the ‘outspoken’

Wrong it is not, to be an opportunist

Slander another for the chance, is the way of the atheist!


To scale great peaks, digging another’s grave

Is the path of cowards, not of the brave

Structures so built on the dead, would not ever be strong

Plastered and cemented as they are, by many a wrong.


Chasing fame and fortune is a life lived in lust

In doing so, the soul you have permitted to rust.

To accomplish these you’ve committed in plenty, perjury

Reckless in your goal, you’ve caused your fellow beings, brutal injury.


Rise, Oh ignorant man, heed the little Voice that does you beckon

While life’s yet with you, or else, you’ll have to reckon

With insufferable pain, agony, remorse and regret

When the Call comes, this world you’ll leave in debt.